Friday, July 13, 2007

A You Tube Movie About the Future

Watch the movie. Ask yourself this question: Will I be ready to be a teacher when the Shift Happens?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Have A Great 4th of July!

As a special treat for tomorrow I will bring my new iPhone and demonstrate it. Then I will make a special assignment for an additional post to your blog.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Adding A Picture To A Post

To add a picture to a post, be sure you have selected the Edit HTML tab in the Post area. Then click on the picture icon. Browse to select the image you want to post.
Choose a layout. I have chosen Left. Select SMALL image. Then click Upload Image.

Wow! It works.

This picture came from Rhonda Barron's web site. She got it from Google which got it from the Shrek2 site (probably).

Project Three: Trifold Brochure

Tonight, after the Powerpoint presentations, we will begin the trifold brochure.

Click for the Trifold Handout.

Handouts For Web Site Development

There are several documents that will assist you in the development of your web site.

First is a handout on how we will use the concantenate function in Excel to create a "factory" for the portions of your code that are highly repetitive, especially the tables that hold the code for your buttons. To get the Concantenate handout, click Concatenate Handout.

Second is a handout that summarizes the rules that you must follow to correctly write HTML code for your web site. To get the HTML Rules handout, click HTML Rules.

Third is the index (opening) page of the sample site I am using this summer. It will be an excellent guide for you to follow. To get the sampke Index Page handout, click Sample Index Page. You should also look at the sample site which was done by Rhonda Barron in my 11:00 class for Spring 2007. To view the sample site, click Sample Site of Rhonda Barron.

Fourth is a document of additional tags that will come in handy in writing your code. Tags are the instructions that tell the browser what to do. They are enclosed in brackets which are easily seen on the sample index page. To get the Additional Tags handout, click Additional Tags.

Fifth is a warning about the pecularities of Notepad. You will write your web pages using Notepad on a Windows machine (or TextEdit with special settings on the Mac). Notepad had several pecularities and you must use Notepad with some caution. The handout with the warnings about Notepad use is important. To get the Notepad Warnings handout, click Notepad Warning.

Sixth is a handout titled Revised Strange Guide to Creating the Most Basic Web Site. The title says it all. To get the HTML Rules handout, click Revised Strange Guide.

Seventh is a handout that discusses how you place pictures (which are referred to as images in HTML) on your web pages. To get the handout, click HTML and Images.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Student Blogs

Every student has a blog. Just click on their name to go to their blog.
Dineshea Bendolph
Stephanie Brown
JulieAnna Gilbert
Marcee Hinds
Emily Hughes
Anastaasia Martin
Arlene Nelson
Holly Richardson
Jennifer Schwartz
Chantaye Scott
Samantha Warren

Making Posts to Your Blog - Weekly Topics

All students are required to make regular posts to their blogs on a weekly basis (at least). You can retrieve a copy of the topics to be addressed by clicking HERE!

Instructions for Creating a Blog

You can download the instructions for creating a blog by clicking HERE.

Course Syllabus

You can download a copy of the course syllabus by clicking HERE.


Welcome to the EDM 310 Summer 2007 Class Blog!